
HASH全称是"HASH HOUSE HARRIERS"(简称"HASH",或"3H"),初创时期原属于100%男性参与活动,后发展至有女性开始加入,因此有了4H的简号.它是一项世界性的休闲活动,起源于1938年马来西亚的吉隆坡,如令在全世界184个国家几千个城市中都有开展,包括中国的北京,广州,上海,深圳,乌鲁木齐等城市.

HASH活动没有固定的成员和组织,也不存在固定的模式,各个城市的具体做法各有不同,但所有的HASH都有两个共同的主题:跑步和啤酒,其参加者也因此自称"The running club with a drinking problem".经过几十年的发展,HASH活动己经超越简单的体育锻烁活动,而形成了一种特色鲜明,独具魅力的文化.


25th April 2010 Wangsa Cheras #Run 15# April Brithday Run

这次我们来到Wangsa cheras走Family run,庆祝我们四月生日的Member,很荣幸我们邀请到一位记者陈文安Member为我们拍照,让我们的艳照能登上报纸,我们的GM中间前排红衣那位可爱的DODOKO他笑到见牙不见眼,他尽心尽力为Happy Hash开山,然后又做super把我们Happy Hash搞得有声有色,我们能拥有这个开心的团体十分感激这位GM
This time we had a family run at Wangsa Cheras, to celebrate our 4th month anniversary! We are fortunate to be able to invite a reporter, Tan Boon An, to spread our pornography! Our beloved GM, DODOKO (front row, wearing red, with a watermelon), grin happily until he couldn't open his eyes! He put in so much effort into this run. He went to set the trail, then he became the SUPER. He made Happy Hash a success with flying colours! We are so proud to have him as our GM.

看见他拿着相机就知道他是顶顶大名的报纸佬~我们很感激他能来到Happy Hash为我们拍艳照与半裸照,我们真的想抱着他狂吻,为了感激他我们为他们高歌一曲,
Why was he born so beautiful,
Why was he born at all
He's no fxxking use to anyone
He's no fxxking use at all
He might be a joy to his mother
But he's a pain in the asshole to me
Drink it down,down,down,down.....
The one holding the camera is the reporter that we had invited, Tan Boon An. We thank him very much to take a lot of photograph of us. We really wanted to run to him and hug and kiss him! To show him our gratefulness, we sang the Hash song for him.
Why was he born so beautiful
Why was he born at all
He's no fxxking use to anyone
He's no fxxking use at all
He might be a joy to his mother

But he's a pain in the asshole to me
Drink it down, down, down, down.....
The one on the right is our member, Four Eyes Ki Ki. He has a mother, however, it's a sad case he is not married. He hang out with this reporter very often. Most probably he wants to appear on the newspaper to search for his other half!
HEY, Four Eyes Ki Ki, hanging out with him doesn't give you any benefits. You will have to pay to appear on newspaper!

The one on the right side is the infamous Mr Superman, Jar Ng Jee. His unheroic tale was carrying a 80kg fatso out of the hill. However, no one saw that incident.
That was what he told us. (Blow water!)

