
HASH全称是"HASH HOUSE HARRIERS"(简称"HASH",或"3H"),初创时期原属于100%男性参与活动,后发展至有女性开始加入,因此有了4H的简号.它是一项世界性的休闲活动,起源于1938年马来西亚的吉隆坡,如令在全世界184个国家几千个城市中都有开展,包括中国的北京,广州,上海,深圳,乌鲁木齐等城市.

HASH活动没有固定的成员和组织,也不存在固定的模式,各个城市的具体做法各有不同,但所有的HASH都有两个共同的主题:跑步和啤酒,其参加者也因此自称"The running club with a drinking problem".经过几十年的发展,HASH活动己经超越简单的体育锻烁活动,而形成了一种特色鲜明,独具魅力的文化.


They are the PROS

The Hares only took 2 hours to set the trails. But the Hounds took 1 hour & 45 minutes to come out. The Hares only used 20% of their ability and the Hounds could not solve the Checking already. How can the Hares put in 100% of their ability? It is very distressing for the Hares not being able to use their ability!
我们set run的人只是花了区区2个小时来开山,你们1st runner却用了1个小时45分来完成,你们这些所谓的高手请给我多练两年吧~我们set run只是出了20%的实力,你们却用了那么长时间来跑,如果set run的人用尽全力,你们还得了~

They are the so called PROS. All go back to sleep la!
dai leng ong留字

Yau Cha Kwei always say the Checking is easy to solve. When the Hares used 20% of their ability, he stood on the hill and only able to enjoy the panorama.
油炸鬼时常说Checking 很容易找现在却在山上看风景大声的说~~~我投降了

